Questions about Love

Oct 23, 2020

I never asked myself what Love is.

I never thought it had special powers.

I just think it feels good and everyone needs to have some of it.

My dad always wishes me to have love in my life. I agree, love is the most important thing. Without it you lose the reason to live.

Question 1: But is love fear? Or is it the opposite of fear?

People say love beats fear but maybe its just a greater fear?

Question 2: Is love will? Maybe it is, because my will was so strong when love came to me.

Question 3: I feel like love is always in my life, that I know how to love. But also feel that it’s nothing. Is it maybe an illusion?

Question 4: Does love equal relationships?

I think every moment of a relationship is not love but there are moments of love, honest, fearless. Other times, other things are stronger and love is lost but sometimes when you are vulnerable love springs.

I am loosing my thought here but I have a feeling I know something more about it.

